I've come down with something and have spent the afternoon in bed. At one point I was entertained by feverish dreams. In one sequence I was spying on the rock band that had moved into the house next to ours. They were keeping an eye on me, too.
Next thing I knew I was suffering from acute warmness of body. Since I was standing at the top of a magnificent flight of stairs, which I was about to descend together with the Swedish prince Carl Philip, I wasn't quite sure what to do. All of a sudden the prince had changed into an old beau of mine and I was being looked after by a kind lady who suggested I needed soup.
Now I crave salty liquorice. Oh, what wouldn't I give for a bag of Turkish pepper or Fazer's salmiak mix.
Krasslig och med frossa har jag legat i feberdrömmar på eftermiddagen. I en drömsekvens spionerade jag på rockbandet som flyttat in i grannhuset. De höll koll på mig också. Plötsligt stod jag med prins Carl Philip i beråd att skrida nerför en magnifik trappa. Jag hade fruktansvärt varmt och i samma stund som prinsen förvandlades till en hjärtevän från det förflutna blev jag omhändertagen av en tant som tyckte att jag behövde soppa.
Nu vill jag bara ha Turkisk peppar och Fazers salmiakblandning.
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